Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cobra Starship - Viva La Cobra

...because I know you are all good children and you are sure to go buy Cassettes On Fire merchandise after downloading their EP I am giving you a present. This is the sophomore effort by emo-dance-cheeze upstarts, Cobra Starship. This is the diametric opposite to Cassettes On Fire's aesthetic. Cobra Starship are glory-sucking spacehogs shamelessly boogie-ing their way to a Hot Topic near you but I have to admit that this is one of the best times the mainstreamo scene will ever have. The album is immaculately produced and loaded with infectious electro/emo crossover gems. I mean, it really is amazing... and fun... but I don't feel the least bit bad uploading it for you all. By all means, STEAL THIS RECORD... because you wouldn't really wanna be caught buying it, would you?