Sunday, February 10, 2008

In Flames - Colony


1. Embody The Invisible
2. Ordinary Story
3. Scorn
4. Colony
5. Zombie Inc.
6. Pallar Anders Visa
7. Coerced Coexistence
8. Resin
9. Behind Space '99
10. Insipid 2000
11. The New Word

Ok, any fan of metal who hasn't treated themselves to this masterpiece is really missing out. All I have to say is that I own hundreds of CDs and this one is easily in my TOP 3... If you have been put off by newer In Flames material you have heard from any sort of weirdness or bad singing... I highly recommend this gem from 1999 that was highly influential on modern dual-lead metalcore stuff, every song is extremely memorable and catchy despite having any real melody in the scream/singing.. a true classic... just trust me. If you like melodic death metal or even dual lead-based metalcore stuff like Unearth, you will probably like this alot.