Saturday, February 23, 2008

He Is Legend - 90125

1. Hip Hop: Anonymous
2. Scram Toots
3. Suave
4. The Fool
5. Martini
6. Either They Decorated For Christmas Early Or They're All Dead
7. Down In A Crypt
8. You Sound Like A White Boy

As requested. Recommended for anyone who loved I Am Hollywood and hates Suck Out The Poison (one of the worst band collapses ever)..... This is the good stuff.. Great cd!


Dylan said...

I like all three

X atf X said...

For me it is like what happened to UnderOATH... I feel like the stuff they put out after The Changing of Times is definitely listenable music, but like they have just downgraded themselves SO far... I honestly feel like both bands should have changed their names at that point... I would also make the same point about Norma Jean's CDs after Bless the Martyr (in that I like it, but can't even begin to compare).... a style change of that magnitude which easily half of the fanbase they had was extremely disappointed with... I mean I feel alot of bands have shot themselves in the foot with this sort of thing... Emery, Poison The Well, Funeral For A Friend, In Flames... the list just goes on and on and on.

Dylan said...

I just don't see how you can get mad at a band or be greatly disappointed because they are playing what they want. Sometimes bands just change their sound. You can't expect them to completely abandon something that they have built up over time by changing their name just because they sound a little bit different. Personally I thought Suck Out the Poison was a much more creative album and their live show makes it pretty obvious that they prefer the route they have taken. On I Am Hollywood they were still playing what they were before even though they, in their mind, had already moved forward on to different things.

X atf X said...

Ok, to each their own.... I know band's evolve... mine has evolved a little bit over the last 4 years... it is just my opinion that HIL has largely de-evolved.

In terms of technicality they have DEFINITELY de-evolved, trading in creative lead lines, varied vocal styles, and a style blending everything from melodic rock to modern screamo to metalcore and even jazz and have now become a pretty much straight-forward southern rock/metal sound (like a poor man's Maylene).

But, if you like to listen to it, more power to you.. that is what opinions are for.

Dylan said...

I just don't see what's so great about Maylene. HiL just does it with much more ease. Like, Maylene, it's just kind of forced. It feels really gimmicky.

X atf X said...

I definitely gotta disagree. I kind of feel the opposite, but I think we both know that neither of us are gonna change opinions, so I'll give it a rest.

Dylan said...

I just have to point out, HiL was doing it before Maylene. Secondly, they would have simply blended into all the other post-hardcore bands. but I know what you mean, I've never had my mind changed this way, still, it's fun to talk about music, even if you disagree

jake said...

just to throw in my input. i think maylene is awesome. they do something different. i think it sounds a lot more southern than HIL too. so i dig that. but both are good.

Anonymous said...

If you think Suck Out The Poison sucks, that's fine. To each his own. But if you love this record so much, then you should probably get the name right. It's "91025" NOT "90125." Idiot. Way to be uninformed.